Dharma Talks From Ordinary Mind Zendo

Below are the archives of dharma talks given at Ordinary Mind Zendo. New talks are also made available through our podcast. If you'd like to stay up to date with the talks, subscribe through the podcast service of your choice. Click here for more information.

You can download the audio for the talks below by clicking the download icon on the far left of each row. Clicking the title will take you to the talk page which for many include the cited koans and transcription.

Date Given Speaker Title Transcription
Oct 6th, 2017 Barry Magid The world is not a world of defilement
Sep 30th, 2017 Barry Magid Jukai as a ceremony of conversion to Buddhism
Sep 23rd, 2017 Barry Magid What virtues are you cultivating here?
Sep 16th, 2017 Barry Magid Where is engaged Buddhism practiced in American Zen?
Sep 9th, 2017 Barry Magid Have you slept? Then make your bed.
Aug 5th, 2017 Barry Magid Treating people and things as if they matter
Jul 29th, 2017 Barry Magid In the wake of tragedies involving Zen teachers
Jul 22nd, 2017 Barry Magid Letting go of methaphors of heroism in Zen
Jul 15th, 2017 Barry Magid Barry Magid versus Joko Beck
Jul 8th, 2017 Barbara Joshin O'Hara Barbara Joshin O'Hara - Allow each moment of your life to teach you
Jun 24th, 2017 Barry Magid We come to know ourselves is through what we do
Jun 10th, 2017 Barry Magid Our practice is being able to say yes to everything that is happening
Jun 3rd, 2017 Barry Magid What does the interplay of practice and your life give rise to?
May 20th, 2017 Barry Magid The Life of the Sixth Patriarch and our Assumptions about Practice
May 13th, 2017 Barry Magid Joko's "Suffer Intelligently" - Can you suffer without hating?
May 6th, 2017 Barry Magid A Ball Tossed on Boundless Rushing Water
Apr 15th, 2017 Barry Magid Lessons from Easter: The place of suffering and flourishing in practice
Apr 15th, 2017 Barry Magid A challenge facing practice in lay Zen centers: How to maintain the balance between availability and surrender?
Apr 8th, 2017 Barry Magid Liberation as seen in Buddhism and Passover
Apr 1st, 2017 Barry Magid Who are you, What are you doing, What's happening - Are they three questions or one?
Mar 25th, 2017 Barry Magid In Zen You can Just Play with the Beads. On the Death of Joanne Kyger.
Mar 18th, 2017 Barry Magid The problem of reversals
Mar 4th, 2017 Barry Magid Our endless pursuit of once and for all
Feb 25th, 2017 Barry Magid Desire and Aspiration as seen by Capitalism and Buddhism
Feb 18th, 2017 Barry Magid The path of practice is deeper into suffering rather than away from it
Feb 11th, 2017 Barry Magid The tension between the ordinary and the heroic in spiritual practice
Feb 4th, 2017 Barry Magid What's the alternative to dividing life up into problems and solutions?
Jan 28th, 2017 Barry Magid Practicing being sick
Jan 7th, 2017 Barry Magid A Zen master investigates traps by falling into them
Dec 10th, 2016 Barry Magid The impossible task of giving beginner's instruction in Zen
Nov 19th, 2016 Chris Buenck Chris Buenck - Jukai
Nov 19th, 2016 Gayle Maslow Gayle Maslow - Jukai
Nov 18th, 2016 Barry Magid Ordinary mind is the way.
Nov 12th, 2016 Barry Magid After the 2016 presidential election
Oct 29th, 2016 Barry Magid Suffering as a failure of imagination
Oct 15th, 2016 Duncan Gasson-Gardner Duncan Gasson-Gardner - Jukai
Oct 1st, 2016 Barry Magid The myriad things return to the one. Where does the one return to?
Sep 10th, 2016 Barry Magid Sweeping away all the parts of ourselves we'd rather not deal with
Jul 30th, 2016 Barry Magid Some advice before the summer break: How to be perfect.
Jul 23rd, 2016 Barry Magid Zen in politics. Be able to say that nothing human is alien to us.

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